Leadership Services

Te Taki

Nāku te rourou nāu te rourou ka ora ai te iwi
With your basket and my basket, we will sustain everyone

Leadership is a journey not a destination

The Collaboration

The programs at Whakaaro are just the beginning. We provide a suite of leadership services tailored to leverage the investment you have made so far. Every leader requires an extensive toolkit and we have made it easy for you to access our knowledge of experienced techniques to lead people, purpose and performance.

Whakaaro wants to elevate your people to the front, set them up for success so they lead with confidence.

We have the following services where we help you implement within your organisation so you can lead and sustain the improvement without us. 

  • Mentoring Programs

  • DISC Extend Personality Profiling

  • Diversity and Inclusion strategies

  • Executive/Senior/Mid/Frontline leader coaching

  • Q&A leadership panels

  • Quick stage leadership forums

  • Guest speaking

  • Access to great podcasts listening to great New Zealand leaders


Book a 1 hour online hui with us at kiaora@whakaaro.co.nz