Our Programs

Mataatua Marae, Whakatāne, Bay of Plenty

Mataatua Marae, Whakatāne, Bay of Plenty

Āriki Leaders - senior leaders from various organisations

General Managers, Executives, Organisational leaders and Board Members seeking personal and strategic capability growth.

Various locations around Aotearoa New Zealand

Various locations around Aotearoa New Zealand

Toroa Leaders - wānanga on marae

Current and emerging organisational leaders seeking to connect for the purpose of shared empowerment.

Bespoke services to suit your leadership needs

Bespoke services to suit your leadership needs

Te Taki - leadership services

Organisations who seek bespoke pathways for their leadership support and development.

Various locations around Aotearoa New Zealand

Various locations around Aotearoa New Zealand

Rangatira Leaders - day programs

Mid to frontline leaders seeking to enhance their capability to lead people and teams.


Stay connected as an industry network


Providing a platform for leaders to stay purposefully connected as an industry network.